Monday, May 28, 2012

Some Interesting Stuff Going On...

     So, school is over. Eric and I are both done for the year. I've been working my summer job for the past 2 weeks and things have been mighty crazy. However, we have started to pick back up on the game. Eric and I had a lengthy conversation about what we are going to do and what our goals are.
     First thing is first. We are re-writing everything in a different language. C++ and the engine we are using was just a little too messy and I had to rely on a bunch of third party libraries to try and accomplish what we were doing. We are starting from the ground up (I'll explain more in a second), in .NET, C# specifically. I love C#, it is a beautiful language and is very clean. We made this decision for two reasons.
     Number one, was for my sanity. All the clutter and nonsense C++ has sometimes is just frustrating. C# is much more clean and clear-cut than C++. The second reason is that we feel that we can deliver a better product in .NET. We dished out some money to buy the .NET engine and it's license plus some wrappers to really put this game into the works. Everything is already flowing along nicely, and hopefully I'll even improve upon what we already had in the C++ version (Better GUI, threading, etc).
     Now when I say we are starting from the ground up, I mean that in work wise. We understand the logic behind the server and client and what needs to be designed and built. It's just a matter of building it and making improvements along the way.
     All in all, this is a good move. I can write C# code much faster than C++, and make it very elegant. It won't be long before we catch up to where we were with the C++ version. And just for your delight, here is the work in progress of the new server UI:

Reminds me of the old RCON tools/server for Call of Duty :)


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